2014 - 2015
Project financed by the Fondazione Banco di Sardegna - 2015 Call for bids.
The Migr@ntes project intends to contribute to the improvement of the interaction process between third-country citizens residing in the regional territory and the host community promoting the knowledge of rights, duties and opportunities provided by the Italian legal system in order to involve actors of the regional reality in a mutual process of interaction. In this edition the intent is to contrive a more peaceful climate of exchange, mutual knowledge, recognition of different cultures in order to spread a positive approach to diversity and deepen mutual understanding between immigrants and host societies.
Psycho-social analysis through interviews, stories and the bear witness in a double cognitive path aimed at analyzing both, migrants and the accomodation society. The analysis is conducted creating:
- Meetings with migrants present in the accomodation centres of Jerzu and Barisardo, starting a path of comparison with the managers of the Centres and with the migrants present in the structures on the experience of reception;
- Sensitization meetings with secondary school students in the Ogliastra and Cagliari areas, involving over one hundred of young people in a sensitization path and creating a cognitive survey about their knowledge on immigration and integration topics.
Conference for the launch project (Cagliari, 23 October 2015).
Migrants, students, accomodation operators.