2017 - 2018
Diart - Networking development of the textile sector
Project financed by the Regional Law of 11 April 1996, n. 19. Rules on cooperation with developing countries and international collaboration 2017 Call for bids.
The aim of the third edition of the DIART project is to contribute to the (inclusive and sustainable) development of the Tunisian and Sardinian artisan textile sector, enhancing the cultural heritage, in particular as regards the natural production of fibers and dyes, promoting new economic initiatives related to the processing and marketing of raw materials (such as wool). Specifically, the project supports the start of a commercial channel between the Sardinian and Tunisian artisan textile supply chain, creating new economic opportunities and giving visibility to local products.
Animation and awareness actions aimed at the direct involvement of beneficiaries in collaboration with local, associations and economic operators of the Tunisian and Sardinian target territory.
Networking actions for the networking of local businesses in the artisan textile production sector for the Sardinian and Tunisian sides, with the aim of creating an operational network that includes both shores of the Mediterranean.
Training / informative action aimed at young unemployed women, artisans and businesswomen of the textile industry, and aspirings, with the aim of providing learners with a theoretical endowment for the start of business activities.
Definition of a common brand of excellence of the Tunisian Sardinian Carpet product.
Exchange of know-how between artisans of the textile tradition of the two territories.
Sardinian and Tunisian textile artisans, craft enterprises, local institutions, migrant associations present in Sardinia.
Sardegn (Italy) and Tunisia
Centro Italo Arabo e del Mediterraneo Sardegna;
Centre Technique de Création, d'Innovation et d'Encadrement dans le Secteur du Tapis et de Tissage; http://www.citt.nat.tn/
University of Carthage;
Municipality of Samugheo