Cultural district of the Mediterranean carpet - Diart Sardinia
Project financed by the Banco di Fondazione Banco di Sardegna - 2014 Call
The project wants to enhance the art of weaving uniting the two cultures, enhancing also the artistic and cultural heritage of all nations and promoting dialogue, proposing again in the Sardinian territory the achievements of the previous edition of the DIART project.
Design competition "Draw the Tradition", aimed at new generations, disegned at stimulating creativity and promoting the interest in the textile tradition through its rediscovery in a modern key with technological and digital tools.
Realization of the Sardinian-Tunisian Carpet. The artisans finalists of the previous edition of the Festival held in Tunisia in 2013 made two carpets based on drawings elaborated from Centre Technique de Création d’Innovation et d’Encadrementdu tapis et du Tissage di Tunisi. in Tunis.
Festival of Sardinian-Tunisian weaving (Urzulei, 18 March 2015), including a conference on the themes: "The cultural district of the Mediterranean carpet" and "The Mediterranean weaving: evolutions and developments in the artisan sector"; the presentation in the regional territory of the Sardinian-Tunisian carpet, a mix of motifs and techniques of the two cultures; the inauguration of the exhibition of carpets with original works from Tunisia, and practical weaving workshops.
Sardinian and Tunisian textile artisans, graphic designers, architects, young graduates / graduates from schools of fine arts, graphics, design and institutions.
Sardinia (Italy) and Tunisia
Centro Italo Arabo e del Mediterraneo Sardegna;
Centre Technique de Création, d'Innovation et d'Encadrement dans le Secteur du Tapis et de Tissage (Tunisia) http://www.citt.nat.tn/