The Dialogue Interculturel à travers the Art du Tapis - DIART
Project financed by the European Commission, Delegation of the European Union in Tunisia Program EuropeAid Cultural Activities 2012 - Tunisia and realized with the regional contribution L.R. -12/2011
The DIART project was born from the need to rediscover and to deepen the links between two apparently distant and opposite cultures such as the Sardinian and Tunisian ones. It is known that the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea are differentiated by geographical structure, economic specialization, social organization, political and cultural forms. A diversity that is at the origin of the intense economic and cultural exchanges that have historically characterized the region, enriching it. However, there are also places that share a strong sense of belonging to the territory, traditions, beliefs and customs as it happens in Sardinia and Tunisia. For these reasons DIART wants to strengthen the dialogue between the two Sardinian and Tunisian civilizations through culture and in particular the art of weaving. The general objective of the action is, in fact, to contribute to bringing the European peoples closer together with the countries of the southern shores of the Mediterranean, by strengthening mutual understanding and putting an end to widespread preconceptions.
The handicraft represents, in fact, the historical evolution of the art of living of different ethno-cultural components typical of Sardinian and Tunisian society, reflecting the cultural spirit of the two nations. In particular, the project aims to develop mutual knowledge of the traditional weaving of the carpet through the comparison and exchange of techniques, methodologies and ancient knowledge among the artisans coming from the rural areas of Tunisia and Sardinia. The art of the carpet unites both cultures, boasting a thousand-year-old mastery that is all female and therefore handed down from generation to generation from mother to daughter. In fact, it will be women, young and old weavers of Tunisia and Sardinia to convey the values of respect and mutual knowledge between the two Mediterranean cultures. In this way, it intends to contribute to the creation of a common cultural space in the Euro-Mediterranean area and in particular to foster contacts between Tunisian and Sardinian artists with the aim of stimulating mutual growth and fostering dialogue between the two cultures.
Carpet Competition - The Art of Mediterranean Weaving, a competition that involves some of the most abled weavers of the internal areas of Tunisia and Sardinia.
Creation of the Sardinian-Tunisian carpet model: in order to achieve an effective mix between the two cultures, 4 types of carpet were created. They will represent a mix of typical motifs of the Sardinian and Tunisian textile traditions.
Festival of Sardinian Tunisian weaving (Carthage 21, 22 and 23 March 2013), a showcase on the textile art of the two cultures, including a conference held by institutional representatives and experts in the sector, an exhibition of different Sardinian and Tunisian models of carpets and typical tapestries as well as the new Sardinian-Tunisian carpet, joined by 4 different types of Ateliers du tissage related to the history of the carpet in the two areas, traditional and modern processing techniques and methods of ecological dyeing of wool.
Short film of transnational co-production on the history and methods of the Sardinian and Tunisian textile traditions.
Sardinian and Tunisian textile artisans
Sardegn (Italy) and Tunisia
Centro Italo Arabo e del Mediterraneo Sardegna;
Centre Technique de Création, d'Innovation et d'Encadrement dans le Secteur du Tapis et de Tissage (Tunisia) http://www.citt.nat.tn/