Depistage du cancer au sein
Project financed L.R. n. 19 of 11/04/1996 on "Rules on cooperation with developing countries" - Call for bids proposals 2008.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the reduction of breast cancer mortality of women in the district of Zahle (Lebanon), while at the same time improving the quality of life of women diagnosed with breast cancer by spreading the practice of diagnosis and screening, reducing the number of complex and disabling surgical intervention due to the advanced stage of the tumor.
The main activity of the project is the realization of a breast cancer prevention campaign carried out in the Bekaa area in the North of Lebanon district, where the incidence of breast cancer is particularly relevant. The project includes:
- a path of updating and exchange of good practices between Sardinian and Lebanese physicians, through a joint work of the various teams with instrumental examinations on patients (mammograms, mammary ultrasound and needle biopsies) and a comparison of the investigation techniques and the followed protocols;
- a screening campaign on a target of 7 thousand women from the district of Zhale, to be established at the buildings provided by the Hospital;
- the development of the prevention standards, prophylaxis and control of the neoplastic pathology in order to define a program of cancer screening, self-diagnosis and training for personnel who must adopt the procedures.
Women, patients with breast cancer, medical staff.
Sardinia (Italy), Lebanon
Primaidea srl
Sirai Hospital of Carbonia
Hopital Gouvernementel de Zahle (Lebanon)
Centro Italo Arabo and Mediterraneo Sardegna